
Mazda has the Fuel-Economy Technology Needed

Mazda has the Fuel-Economy Technology Needed

The Mazda brand has been the most efficient brand on the market for a few years and it’s a brand that doesn’t even make use of the ways that other automakers are improving fuel mileage. Most automakers are looking toward hybridization, smaller displacement engines with turbochargers, and CVT transmissions to have the solution to the fuel mileage needs, while Mazda has somehow managed to avoid making use of any of these technologies in the vehicles they offer us. We’ve loved the SkyActiv technology offered which not only provides excellent fuel mileage but also delivered the maximum amount of torque at low rpm numbers.

While we’ve loved the technology under the hood of the Mazda models we drive with the first version of the SkyActiv technology. This seems like the right technology for Mazda to continue to enjoy, but it appears this is just the beginning for Mazda. The next version of this technology will be called SkyActiv-X which will offer us more of what we’ll love when it’s time to head out on the road to enjoy the ride wherever you want to go in the cars and SUVs that are offered by the Mazda brand.

How will SkyActiv-X work for Mazda?

The new SkyActiv-X technology has been put under the hood of a prototype model already and will be used in the next version of the Mazda3. This engine makes use of Spark Controlled Compression Ignition which combines the combustion technology from a diesel engine and the potency of a gasoline engine to offer a more efficient ride. This new version of the technology will be a 2.0-liter engine which gives as much power as the 2.5-liter model while being twenty percent more efficient, making it even easier for you to have the efficiency you want from Mazda.

When you get behind the wheel of the Mazda3 with this new SkyActiv-X technology under the hood, you’ll still have a car that’s engaged and enjoyable to drive. There is an immediate connection between your inputs to the engine with no delays for turbos to spool up or the troubles that can be a problem with some CVT models. Instead, you have a joyful drive with the qualities you want when you have the peak torque at 2,000 rpm, which is an extremely low number to have the maximum amount of pulling power you want for the drive.

Once this new technology is used in the Mazda3 and we get used to how it works, there will be many more models that make use of this new technology to ensure we can have a natural driving feeling while enjoying a vehicle that has the efficiency we’re looking for. The SkyActiv-X technology is a marriage of performance technologies that come from both diesel and gasoline engines and give us the best of both worlds in one package without turning to the different ways other automakers are finding to increase fuel mileage numbers with what appears to be trickery and assistance. This leaves room for Mazda to have the potential to offer even greater fuel mileage numbers in the future.


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