Private Seller or Used Car Dealer?

Private Seller or Used Car Dealer?

There are some serious benefits to both choosing a vehicle that’s being sold to you by a dealer or by a single private seller. Say you are interested in a used Toyota, you know that the person who wants to sell their car to you because they want to buy a new one or make an investment in a different way has a different thought in mind that the dealer that needs to make a profit. Let’s take a look at some reasons why you should consider either one of these situations for the purchase of your next used car.

Vehicle History

There are detailed vehicle history reports that are kept by dealers, but these reports are dependent upon service stations and insurance companies reporting the information correctly. This is important information for you to know when and how the vehicle was cared for. With a private seller, you could receive more detailed information, but that’s only if you get lucky and have a seller that’s willing to tell you everything about the vehicle. It’s up to you to decide how much you want to trust a private seller, but the report you receive at the dealer will be factual and easy to understand.


This is one aspect of a vehicle purchase that offers a dealer the greatest advantage over a private seller. Most banks and financing institutions won’t deal with a vehicle sold by a private person for fear of undisclosed information that will cause a buyer to walk away from the loan. With a dealership, banks have a bit more of an assurance of the condition of the vehicle and some dealerships are able to offer their own financing to make sure you can have an easy way to drive away with the vehicle you want to enjoy.

Reputation – Private or Dealer?

The dealership you work with has to keep their reputation in mind. If you have a bad experience you’re likely to tell your friends and family and eventually, they might lose customers. With the use of online review sites such as Yelp, you can post a review of your experience which makes it so that dealers need to offer you a great experience. A private seller doesn’t have to be concerned with this. In fact, they are likely only selling the one vehicle they have that you’re considering your purchase and won’t have others that need to be worried about their reputation.

Purchase Price

The one area that you’re going to find an advantage for a private seller versus a dealer is with the purchase price. A dealer needs to make a profit on the vehicle they sell to you while a private seller is likely only looking to put the money they gain from the vehicle into another model or a different investment. This means you’ll most likely find a much lower price with a private seller, but there’s a good chance you’re going to find the reputation, peace of mind, and financing you need at a dealership.

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