Buick will be Without a Convertible Again

Buick will be Without a Convertible Again

The Buick brand went twenty-five years between models of convertible cars, but with the movement toward SUVs and the recent announcement that many of the cars offered would be deleted after the 2019 model year, it doesn’t seem the Buick Cascada is going to be off the market soon. Although the Cascada isn’t built in the US, it’s a car that we’ve grown to admire and enjoy, but the recent change in the plans for Opel makes it difficult for Buick to be able to keep this car as part of the lineup.

The Opel Announcement that Affects Buick

Opel was purchased from GM in 2017 by Groupe PSA and the brand announced four months ago that the Opel Cascada would be phased out. Since 2016, the Opel Cascada was sold as the Buick Cascada and has been imported from the European brand during that time. Because Opel is phasing out the car, Buick must do the same, but thankfully, Buick dealers have stated they should have enough stock to take them through the rest of the year. This is good news considering the amount of money that Buick has already spent to advertise this car.

Making Certain the Inventory is Strong

US Buick dealers have been instructed to file their final orders this month to allow the factory in Poland to continue to build and supply the Cascada through the summer. This gives dealers a chance to project their sales for the next ten months, which can be a bit of a challenge, but by doing this, the Cascada inventory could be strong enough to last until the end of the year. Aggressive dealers may have car lots that have a couple rows of this car in inventory when the summer shipments arrive.

Sales of the Buick Cascada Aren’t Strong

The GM team has stated that although the numbers aren’t staggering for the Cascada, this car has played its role and brought many premium convertible customers to the Buick dealers that might not have chosen from this brand otherwise. So far, the brand has sole roughly 17,000 models of the Cascada in three years and both 2017 and 2018 showed a decline in sales of more than 25 percent for this convertible car. Even so, the sales have been as strong as expected, even though this number isn’t one that will blow you away from a volume automaker such as GM.

The Future Look of Buick and GM

With the announcements of the reduction of cars offered in the GM portfolio, once the Cascada is gone, Buick will only have the Regal as the car in its passenger car portfolio for 2020. Additionally, there will only be two convertibles offered by GM worldwide which are the Chevrolet Camaro and Corvette once the Cascada is gone. If you’ve been considering this premium convertible as a possible choice for your driving needs, it’s time to get behind the wheel at your nearby dealership before all the Cascada models are gone.

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