
Things to Avoid Saying When Getting Vehicle Maintenance

Things to Avoid Saying When Getting Vehicle Maintenance

Do you know the team at your local mechanic shop? Does the place you go for vehicle maintenance have a stellar reputation?

Whether you’re working with a new mechanic or you have one that you’ve trusted for a long time, you should avoid saying a few things that could cause you to pay more in maintenance fees. Let’s go over some of the things you need to avoid saying when you’re at the mechanic shop.

”Just Do What it Needs” –Big Vehicle Maintenance No, No

If you tell the mechanic to “just do what it needs” you’re going to have a bill that’s much higher than you need it to be. You’ll have a very expensive bill at the end and only have yourself to blame for this issue. You may end up having some work done that didn’t need to be done when you visit the shop.

A Bad Thing to Say –“I Don’t Know Anything About Cars”

You might not feel like you know anything about cars, but if you tell a mechanic this, you’re going to end up having vehicle maintenance done that you don’t need to be completed at that time. You could change the air filter without paying a mechanic, and some will change it much more often than you need to have it done. Don’t say “I don’t know anything about cars” to a mechanic that you don’t know.

”Can’t You Do it for a Better Price” –An Awful Thing to Say

If you add to this statement that another shop can do the work for a lot less or a better price, many mechanics are going to be a little upset. Often, when it comes to repairs, you get what you pay for. If you’re only looking for simple vehicle maintenance to be performed, most shops can handle that easily enough, but if you’re there for more, don’t try and haggle of the work of an experienced professional.

”This is What I Think is Wrong” –Are You a Mechanic?

Vehicle maintenance is one thing, but if your car is making noises or acting strangely, you want to let the mechanic do their job and give you the diagnosis, not the other way around. They could replace the part you tell them to, but it might not be the part that needed to be replaced in the first place. Let the mechanic look at your vehicle and ask you questions without your opinion getting in the way.

”But It’s a Brand New Car” –So What

Your car isn’t new once you take it home and drive it for a few weeks. Those payments might make it feel like new, but at certain mileage intervals, you’re going to need more scheduled vehicle maintenance than at others. Don’t use this excuse with a mechanic, you might end up being shown a list of things that they feel need to be done, even if they don’t.

When you visit your local mechanic for vehicle maintenance, try to keep some things to yourself. Let this team do their job and make it as easy as you can for them to perform the work you need. The relationship you have with your mechanic is a two-way street, you have to be part of the solution.

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