As Sky-High Trade-in Values Simmer Down, Do You Know the Value of Your Trade?
Rates of Covid-19 throughout the US was not the only thing rising during the pandemic. The unexpected cost of used vehicles reached unprecedented highs leaving many wondering if affordable used cars still existed.
Understand Your Tax Liability: Federal Tax Credits, Tax Deductions, and More
What Is a Federal Tax Credit? In its simplest terms, a tax credit is the amount of money a taxpayer can directly subtract from the taxes they owe. Tax credits reduce the taxpayer’s liability dollar for dollar. Similarly to a tax deduction, a tax credit can reduce the amount of tax you are required to […]
Why You Should be Looking for a Car Warranty Company – and How to Find a Reputable One
You’re expecting a call, so you answer the phone the next time it rings. As usual, it’s a random call about your car’s extended warranty – which you don’t even have. But did you know a car warranty is more than just an obnoxious phone call? It’s actually a great way to help you save […]
The Worst Cars to Buy in 2022
Car prices are at an all-time high, which means it’s more important than ever that you don’t buy one of the worst cars offered in 2022.
The Best Fragrances to Keep Your Car Smelling Clean
If your car smells bad, you don’t want to get in and drive. Maybe it’s time to choose one of the best fragrances to keep your car smelling clean.
The Best Halloween Costumes for Your Car
Are you happy that it’s October? Do you celebrate Halloween all month long? You’re the right candidate for some of the best Halloween costumes for your car.
7 Things You Should Keep in Your Car for Winter
You can prepare your car to the best of your ability, and you’ll still need to keep some items in your car for the winter months. This is called being prepared.
Mistakes to Avoid When Shopping for New Tires
If you drive like most people, you don’t need new tires very often. When you do, you’ll want to make sure you get the right ones for your car.
FCC Takes Action To Stop Auto Extended Warranty Robocalls
Those annoying calls about your vehicle’s extended car warranty, might finally be coming to an end… or at least be less frequent that is. YouMail, A firm that tracks and blocks robocalls details that consumers received a whopping 50.4 billion calls in spam robocalls in 2021. If you’ve been on the other end of one […]
What Your Octane Rating Really Means
When both school and the sun are out, it can only mean one thing: it’s summer road trip time. While you’re planning your great American road trip this summer, don’t forget to plan for the right fuel for your car. When you’re spending hours on the road, you want to make you’re using the fuel […]