Fun in a Snow-Filled Tunnel

Fun in a Snow-Filled Tunnel

Do you love to play in the snow? For some of us who live in areas that rarely ever see snow this can be a treat that lasts a few days and gives us the wonderland feeling of winter. For others, who live in more northerly climates and are surrounded by snow most of the year, the snow can become a way of life and a way of creating the sport and activity desired. In an effort to show off what the Land Rover Discovery Sport is capable of in the snow, the team came up with a unique challenge.

Heading to the Tunnel

The Land Rover team borrowed an underground, snow filled tunnel in Lempyy, Finland at the Dog Sled Training Facility to see what this impressive SUV could do at this track. This particular underground tunnel is a long circular track that is perfectly built for the snow sled dog training and is used to help champion snow dogs stay ready for the races they compete in each year. Driving the Land Rover Discovery Sport in this tunnel by itself might not sound like much fun, which is why Land Rover added a bit more of a challenge to the course.
Taking on the Discovery Sport was the middle distance champion Laura Kaariainen, to put her dogs up against this SUV. The course is a full one-kilometer covered in snow and ice with the thought of showing whether or not the Discovery Sport can be agile, comfortable and capable in this tunnel and on the snow. Snow is one of the most challenging surfaces that any driver can encounter, whether it’s most of the year or just a few days each year, and the vehicle you drive should be able to handle the challenge, especially if it carries the Land Rover name.

Dogs or Ponies; Who Wins?

The two competitors head out on the course in opposite directions, passing each other at the halfway point and then meeting again at the finish line. The Discovery Sport faces the challenge of having to maneuver over ice blocks along the way, which tested the wheel articulation and traction control systems. This presents a challenge for the SUV that it passes with flying colors. The dogs have to maintain their speed and handle the inclines and declines of the track but keep a steady pace of nearly 21 mph.
As you can plainly realize, this track and challenge was set up for fun and not a true test of which team was faster. The versatility and capability of the Discovery Sport allowed the team to bring the lead husky to the tunnel by using the full height luggage divider in the rear which kept her secure in the back while leaving the space for passengers. This challenge also allowed this dog sled team to have a practice run in the tunnel and challenge something they would have never seen on the courses they normally run.
Which team won the race? Take a look at the video below and see for yourself.

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